BOY!!! Brian and I had a "secret" ultrasound when we went to Hunstville to see my dad.(Most of you know that my dad suffered a massive stroke about 3 weeks ago) A friend that works for an OBGYN at the hospital snuck me in and did an ultrasound to check on the little one and we could tell he is a boy. Well she said that she is 95% sure!!!! I have my official ultrasound on August 13. Brian and I are going to tell the doctor that our psychic said that it is a boy and see if we can freak him out!! JK! Needless to say Brian was VERY excited about having a son as was I!!! We have not decided a name but his middle name will be Marshall after my dad and grandad. I also felt him move on July 4 while I was trying to take a nap. I feel him move often. It has been really great to know that he is a boy. There is something about knowing what the sex is that makes it much more real and that much more personal. Now I know he is my little boy!!! He is really growing as am I! Brian loves my belly. I sure am glad because it is only going to get bigger. Brian was around 9lb 8oz when he was born and I was 8lbs 1oz. I have a feeling Cletus (new name for him until we decide one) is going to be large!!!! YIKES!
This is a shot of his hinney.
He has his eyes open here.
These are his little feet. Hopefully they won't be as big as his daddy's!!