The move up here was very interesting but the Lord is good and everything was as smooth as could be when moving with a 4 week old 11 hours away! Our friends were wonderful and helped us pack up and my sister was amazing. She flew down to Orlando and drove my car home so that Jagger and I could fly home. That flight was so great. Jagger did amazing. He nursed and slept the entire time. It was scary flying with him alone but the people at the airport were so kind to me. When we got to Huntsville we were met by dad and Lisa. That was a sweet meeting. It was the first time that they got to meet Jagger. Lots of tears needless to say. I am so grateful that dad could meet little Jagger.
We are living at my aunt and uncles guesthouse. It is such a blessing. It is free and very nice plus it is right around the corner from my sister. We will stay here until our house in Orlando sells. We have settled in nicely and Brian started his new job last week. He is working and studying for the Alabama bar which is a challenge especially with having a new born in such close quarters. We are making it work though.
Check out the new pics or our little guy and our new pad!!!