Friday, December 12, 2008


ok we are alive!! I know it has been a while. Even our neighbors across the street have gotten onto me about not posting!!! My life I have decided is just boring or really busy, I can't decide!! SO what has been going on?
Well our child turned 1 yesterday. Happy Birthday Sweetness!! The party is tomorrow so we will post pics from that. My little bow business that I started has really taken off. I have also gotten into a little sewing. Pillowcase dresses and aprons for now! Next year we will set up a booth at the DZ craft show! Well...maybe we will! We were all over North Alabama for Thanksgiving. It was a great weekend. I was very thankful to be able to spend it with my family opposed to last year we were in Orlando and I was so far along pregnant to travel. ok well that is all for now because Jagger just threw up because he was eating paper..... Oh dear!

Happy Birthday Precious!

The boys having a snack

Jagger is his new car seat! thanks JPop and Le-Le

My dearest friend Christy got married!!

Cam "helping" Jagger


Lindsay said...

Wow! I cannot believe Jagger is 1!!! Time flies. He is looking so good - and so are you! :) Glad you posted again!

Christy said...

Girl- happy birthday to little man! LOVED having y'all at the wedding. did you see the picture of Brian at the reception? i think they caught him mid-chew! Looking forward to getting up to H-ville in the new year! love, Chris

Chandler said...

waiting for b-day pics. i hope it was a fun day. i wish we could have been there to celebrate little man. he is adorable!

momx2 said...

He is getting so big. We movedback to north Alabama, we should get the kiddos together:)

jefffarrah said...

I dont really know how to do this ... I am just trying to leave a comment in general...
HOLY CRAP!!! you guys are old!!! a one year old kid!!!!! or maybe I am just behind the times.. any good looking single friends up there, preferably female??? well I finally checked out your blog so I could see pics of jagger... and what a cute kid... milk man must have good genes ...I need to schedule a weekend road trip to come see ya'll...
...Miss you guys!!!!!....

Anonymous said...

Miss you! Please come see me again soon or I will pack up my 5 and bring them to your house ALL day! Trust me, you don't want that! I can't believe how big Jagger had gotten. What was your facebook secret. I got off facebook for a while because I was...uh, addicted! But, I am back on it:) update me when you can!

Becka Robinson said...

Aw! Look who surprised me on my blog! It's weird when people that know me in real life find it! :)

(I don't advertise it much)

First off...happy birthday woman!!!!!
Second, thank you! you're too sweet and I wish you were here too because I have a hunch that we'd be spectacular friends now-a-days.

We are just going to have to plan a road trip. That's what it's going to come down to isn't it? Well, I'll dig out my map and get back to ya ;)

Becka Robinson said...

Hmmm....just realized that what I wrote def made it sound like it was your birthday and not Jaggers. Tell him I meant it for him not you. I don't want him to start off his year angry at me. ;)

The Downs family said...

Moom! I updated my blog now it's your turn!! :-) Come visit! We came to visit, not it's your turn! Are you seeing the trend?? ;-) Love you